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PRECISION – Rubber Projectile

The AM-403/P PRECISION Rubber Projectile is a high accuracy 12 gauge blunt trauma pain compliance round. It can be direct fired in crowd control situations against single, non-compliant subjects. The operator should target a low point of impact, below the belt line, on human targets.


  • Compatibility: 12-gauge shotgun without choke or with cylinder choke.
Fire only at points below the belt line, or serious injury or death may result.

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This product should only be used by trained and legally authorized personnel. If misused, it may cause serious injury or death and damage to property.

Product Approved by CAEX

* Values ​​reported are nominal.
** Merely illustrative images.
*** All specifications are subject to change without notice.
All performance specifications are based on tests conducted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under ambient temperature conditions.